How can we help you?

We are on a mission to make life easier for medical practice owners and managers. Here you’ll find some of our commonly asked questions.

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Do you require long-term contracts? What if I want to cancel my service?

We treat others how we like to be treated, which means never locking our clients into long-term contracts (unlike most advisory firms). Moreover, you can cancel your agreement anytime (just give us 30 days’ notice). At the end of the day we are confident in the value of our services, and this how we put our money where our mouth is.

Do you support medical and dental practices outside the New York / Tri-State area?

Yes! While we are based out of New York and Connecticut, we have the ability to engage projects across the entire United States. Depending on your needs we can schedule a mix of remote and onsite work to ensure that we deliver the exceptional results our clients deserve.

How much do you charge for projects? What's the cost of having ongoing practice advisement?

The sincere answer is that it depends on the type of project, your timeline, and the level of engagement. We can tell you that there are certain factors that make a project more or less expensive. For example, many clients don’t have a major need for us to spend a lot of time physically working in their office, which allows us to structure lower rates. Conversely, some practices have tight deadlines or request more in-person support, which will cause a project’s price to increase. 

Overall, the more flexible you are, the more we will be able to work with you on pricing. At the end of the day, we are willing and able to work with most practices to deliver exactly what they need at a fair price.

To receive an exact quote, schedule a free, no-obligation consult and we’ll outline project and pricing options for you to choose from.

Should I choose an individual project or ongoing management support?

For practices that are already running smoothly with efficient systems, a healthy culture, and strong financials in place, there are often only a few targeted areas to address. In these cases, monthly coaching or an individual project tend to deliver the most value.

More common, however, are practices that have several under-performing areas that need to be addressed simultaneously. These practices are doing “okay” but know they could be doing much better, and it’s often a challenge for managers inside the practice to step back and determine where to start.

In these cases what practice owners truly need is someone who views things with their long-term, best interests in mind and can help take action to start making improvements across the board. This is generally a gradual process of daily and weekly enhancements to a number of areas including finance, marketing, and operations that requires ongoing, general management support for a period of time.

I'd love to have some top-tier business management support, but I'm unsure if this is the right fit for me. How should I proceed?

Not to worry! We know that hiring any new company or individual can come with its own set of hesitations. We recommend that you begin by setting up a free consultation. This is a no-commitment, 30-minute phone call to walk through some of your goals and provide you an opportunity to learn more about us.

Providing the best medical practice consulting doesn’t mean there won’t be questions.

If the answer to your inquiry isn’t here, and isn’t addressed elsewhere on our site, please feel free to reach out via the link below or the “Contact Us” page in the main menu. We will be more than happy to respond within short order.

Get In Touch

Griffin Healthcare Advisors

171 E 89th Street #8E
New York, NY 10128


Mon-Fri: 8am - 6pm
Sat 10am - 2pm
Sun: Closed